آخر تحديث GMT 22:01:57
لايف ستايل
لايف ستايل
آخر تحديث GMT 22:01:57
لايف ستايل


Privacy Policy

14:27 2019 الأربعاء ,21 آب / أغسطس   GMT  

سياسة الخصوصية

يرحب "لايف ستايل" بمستخدمي الموقع وفقاً للشروط التالية:
1 ـ إن استخدامك لهذا الموقع يعتبر قبولا ضمنيا بهذه الشروط، فاذا كنت لا تقبلها بالكامل فإن دخولك للموقع يعتبر بغير إذن، وعليك ان تتوقف عن استخدامه فوراً.
2 ـ يحتفظ "لايف ستايل" بحقه في تعديل هذه الشروط متى شاء.
3 ـ إنك توافق على استخدام هذا الموقع فقط لأغراض مشروعة، وسوف تمتنع عن ارسال او بث أية مادة من خلال هذا الموقع يكون من شأنها أن تخل او تتعدى على حقوق الآخرين او تحد من أو تمنع استخدامهم لهذا الموقع، أو تنطوي على أمر غير مشروع، أو على تهديد أو اساءة أو قذف، أو تعدٍّ على خصوصية الآخرين، او حقوق النشر الخاصة بالغير، أو يكون من شأنها أن تشجع على ارتكاب جريمة أو تنطوي على مخالفة تترتب عليها مسؤولية مدنية او تكون فيها مخالفة لأي قانون.
4 ـ لا يجوز لك تعديل المادة الموجودة في هذا الموقع أو تحويرها أو اقتباسها لخلق عمل جديد او استخدامها لأي غرض بخلاف استعمالك الشخصي غير التجاري.
5 ـ لا يجوز لك نسخ المادة الموجودة في هذا الموقع او إعادة انتاجها أو نشرها او اذاعتها بأي طريقة إلا لأغراض استعمالك الشخصي غير التجاري.
6 ـ حقوق الملكية الفكرية تعود ملكية الحقوق الفكرية للمواد الموجودة لـ موقع "لايف ستايل"
• التصريح المذكور في البند السابق مرتبطٌ بشرط، وهو أن: أ ـ لا يتم التعامل مع اية مقالة أو التعليق عليها بشكل مضاد او بشكل غير ملائم او بصورة مخالفة للأخلاق. ب ـ يجب وضع رابط الموقع بين عنوان المقالة والفقرة الاولى منها. ج ـ كما يضاف البيان التالي في نهاية المقالة: جميع الحقوق محفوظة لـ "لايف ستايل"
7 ـ أن المادة الموجودة في هذا الموقع تقدم كما هي، من غير تأكيدات أو ضمانات صريحة كانت أو ضمنية على صلاحيتها لأي غرض معين، أو ملاءمتها لأي مادة أخرى، أو خلوها من انتهاكات لحقوق الغير، أو أمانتها أو صحتها.
8 ـ إنك توافق صراحة على استخدام هذا الموقع على مسؤوليتك، وتتحمل جميع المخاطر المترتبة على ذلك، وتوافق على أن "لايف ستايل" او أياً من أعضاء مجلس ادارتها أو موظفيها أو وكلائها أو الأشخاص الذين يوفرون المادة الوجودة في هذا الموقع أو الذين يرخصون لـ"لايف ستايل" باستعمالها أو أي منهم لا يقدم أية ضمانات على أن الخدمة الموجودة في هذا الموقع ستكون دون انقطاع أو خالية من الأخطاء، أو ان اي عيوبٍ قد توجد فيها سوف تصحح، أو أن الموقع الذي تقدم فيه أو وسيلة تقديمها خاليان من الفيروسات أو آفات البرامج.
9 ـ يحتفظ موقع "لايف ستايل" ببيانات المشتركين في عضويته على أجهزة تشغيل وقواعد بيانات ونظم حماية ذات كفاءة عالية، وإنك توافق على أن الموقع يحتفظ ببياناتك الشخصية واستخدامها من قبل أقسامه المعنية، وانك توافق على عدم إعطاء هذه البيانات لأية مؤسسات أو شركات تجارية أو غير تجارية إلا بعد موافقة صريحة منك. وانك توافق على ان الموقع لا يتحمل مسؤولية تسرب جزء أو كل بيانات العضو المشترك بسبب عمليات السطو والتخريب التي يقوم بها المهاجمون والمتسللون على شبكة الانترنت. وأن الموقع أو أياً من مسؤوليه لا يتحمل مسؤولية تلف أو ضياع هذه البيانات لأي سبب من الأسباب، وأنك توافق على إدخالها في الموقع بدون اي مقابل، وإنك توافق على حق الموقع في إيقاف الامتيازات المقدمة مجاناً للمشتركين في العضوية في أي وقت من الأوقات ومن دون إخطار مسبق.
10 ـ لا يتحمل "لايف ستايل" أو أي شخص يشترك في إعداد أو انتاج أو توزيع أي مادة في الموقع أية مسؤولية عن اي ضرر غير مباشر مادي أو معنوي ينشأ من استعمال هذا الموقع او من عدم التمكن من استعماله او من اي خطأ او حذف او عيب يوجد فيه أو من عدم صحة المعلومات التي يقدمها او من اي تأخير او انقطاع في بثه.
11 ـ إنك توافق على أن تعوض "لايف ستايل" ومديريه وموظفيه ووكلائه عن اي خسارة تلحق بأي منهم بسبب استعمالك لهذا الموقع.
12 ـ إن كل الحقوق في هذا الموقع بما في ذلك حقوق النشر والتأليف وحقوق ملكية المعلومات ومحتويات الموقع مملوكة لـ"لايف ستايل" او تملك "لايف ستايل" ترخيصا بها أو تستعملها وفقا للقانون


Privacy policy

This is the main privacy policy for

If you use please read the, Privacy policy

At Arablifestyle we collect different types of information about our users for four main reasons:
1. To provide personalized services unique to individual users.
2. To help us to monitor and improve the services we offer
3. To sell advertising space on the site. This helps us to keep the site free for people who visit it.
4. If we have permission from the user, to market services to them.

There may be other privacy policies that apply to certain services we provide. Please read these when you register or subscribe for these services on these sites.

Our principles

1 We do our very best to protect your privacy by using security technology appropriately. This means:
- we make sure that we have appropriate security measures to protect your information; and
- we make sure that when we ask another organization to provide a service for us, they have appropriate security measures.
2 We will respect your privacy. You should receive marketing emails only from us and, if you agree, from other organizations we have carefully chosen. We will make sure it is clear when you can make these choices, for example, we have boxes you need to tick if you want to receive marketing. However, we may email you occasionally with information or questions about your registration, your subscription account or postings, for example, with reminders, warnings or copyright requests.
3. We will collect and use individual user details only if we have your permission or we have sensible business reasons for doing so, such as collecting enough information to manage subscriptions.
4 We will be clear in our dealings with you as to what information about you we will collect and how we will use it.
5 We will use personal information only for the purposes for which it was originally collected and we will make sure we delete it securely.
6 Our site is accessible via the internet. This means that people around the world who access our website can see anything you post on the website, for example, comments about an article.
7 If we or our service providers transfer any information out of the European Economic Area (EEA), it will only be done with the relevant protection (stated under UK law) being in place.

How we use your information

What information do we collect?

We collect information on you:
• when you register
• when you use the website
through cookies
if you choose to reveal information in postings, and
• when you enter sales promotions and competitions.
Certain services that we provide may involve us collecting extra information, such as where you are, so the service can be provided as designed. In particular, this may apply to certain apps that you download, or which we provide.


The minimum information we need to register you is your email address and a password. We will ask you more questions for different services, including sales promotions. Unless we say otherwise, you have to answer all the registration questions.
We may also ask some other, voluntary questions during registration for certain services (for example, professional networks) so we can gain a clearer understanding of who you are. This also allows us to personalize services for you.
After you have registered, we may send you emails we think may interest you. At any time you can decide not to receive these emails and will be able to 'unsubscribe'.

Logging in using social networking credentials

If you log-in to our sites using a Facebook log-in, you are granting permission to Facebook to share your user details with us. This will include your name, email address, date of birth and location which will then be used to form Arablifestyle identity. You can also use your picture from Facebook as part of your profile. This will also allow us and Facebook to share your,networks, user ID and any other information you choose to share according to your Facebook account settings. If you remove the Guardian app from your Facebook settings, we will no longer have access to this information.
If you log-in to our sites using a Facebook log-in, you are granting permission to Facebook to share your user details with us. This will include your name, email address, date of birth and location which will then be used to form Arablifestyle identity. You can also use your picture from Facebook as part of your profile. This will also allow us and Facebook to share your,networks, user ID and any other information you choose to share according to your Facebook account settings. If you remove the Arablifestyle app from your Facebook settings, we will no longer have access to this information.
If you log-in to our sites using a Google log-in, you grant permission to Google to share your user details with us. This will include your name, email address, date of birth, sex and location which we will then use to form a Arablifestyle identity. You may use your picture from Google as part of your profile. This also allows us to share your networks, user ID and any other information you choose to share according to your Google account settings. If you remove the Arablifestyle from your Google settings, we will no longer have access to this information. If you log-in to our sites using a twitter log-in, we receive your avatar (the small picture that appears next to your tweets) and twitter username.

Use of children's data

Except for children's books, we do not knowingly collect or store any personal information about children under the age of 16.

Updating your personal information

We offer a 'My details' page (also known as Dashboard), where you can update your personal information at any time, and change your marketing preferences. You can get to this page from most pages on the site – simply click on the 'My details' link at the top of the screen when you are signed in.

Who we share data with

We will not share your personal information with others for marketing purposes unless you have given us your permission. If we have your permission, we will share your information only with other organizations we have chosen carefully. We may make other organizations' services available, through our sites, although we are not necessarily operating these sites. We process any information which we collect when you access a service provided by another organization under this privacy policy. Information these other organisations collect is governed by their own privacy policies.
We can access and release personal information to keep to relevant laws and government requests, to operate our systems properly and to protect both us and our users.
Any other organizations who access your information in the course of providing services on our behalf will be governed by strict contractual restrictions to make sure that they protect your information and keep to data-protection and privacy laws which apply. We may also independently audit these service providers to make sure that they meet our standards. We may use service providers to help us run these sites (or services available on the sites), some of whom may be based outside the EEA.
Some of our web pages use plug-ins from other organizations (such as the 'Facebook Recommend' function). These other organizations may use information about your visit to our websites on their pages. If you browse these pages while still also logged in to your account with us, information they collect may be connected to your account on their site. For more information on how these organizations use information, please read their privacy policies.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies for a number of reasons.
1 For statistical purposes to track how many users we have and how often they visit our websites. We collect information listing which of our pages are most frequently visited, and by which types of users and from which countries.
2 We use other organizations to collect anonymous user information, sometimes through cookies and web beacons,(information embedded in images which allow them to analyze how the website is being used and the number of visitors). Click here to learn more about how we use these services to collect and use information on
3 We and other advertisers may use statistical cookies to track who has seen an advert and clicked on it. You can find more information on this in the online behavioral advertising section of this privacy policy.
4 Placing cookies on your computer means we can show you adverts that you might be interested in, and allows us to control the number of times you see them and measure how effective the ad campaign has been. Advertising helps us to keep the site free for you to use. You can find more information on this in the Online Behavioral Advertising section of this privacy policy, including how you can 'opt out'.

5 We may use 'Flash' cookies to store your preferences for your media player (for example, volume and so on). If we don't use them, you may not be able to watch some video content.

You can turn cookies off but if you do this, you may not be able to use all services on our websites and you might see more pop-ups and other advertising. This is because we won't be able to limit what you see by using cookies. However, you will still be able to see our editorial content.
6 We or other companies may use cookies to suggest and deliver content which we believe may interest you.
We or other companies may use cookies to suggest and deliver content which we believe may interest you. For more information about cookies and managing them, including how to turn them off, please visit our page on Cookies.

By using the sites you are agreeing to the use of cookies as described.

About our advertising

In 2011 we launched a new advertising service called online behavioral advertising (OBA). OBA allows us to deliver targeted advertising to people who visit our website. It works by showing you adverts that are based on your browsing patterns and the way you have interacted with our site. It then shows you adverts which we believe may interest you.
As you browse our sites, some of the cookies we place on your computer will be advertising cookies, so we can understand what sort of pages you are interested in We can then display advertising on your browser that is based on these perceived interests. For instance if you have been reading a lot of food and drink articles, you may be shown more adverts for food and drink.
It is important to remember that none of the OBA techniques we use will collect information such as your name, email address, postal address or phone number. We may also share anonymized behavioral data with advertising partners. This may mean that when you are on other websites, you will be shown advertising based on your behavior on We may also show you advertising on our site based on your behaviour on other sites.
Behavioral re targeting is another form of OBA that allows us and some of our advertising partners to show you ads based on your browsing patterns and interactions with a site away from our sites. For example, if you have visited the website of an online clothes shop, you may start seeing ads from that same shopping site displaying special offers or showing you the products that you were browsing. This allows companies to advertise to you if you leave their website without making a purchase. The privacy policy of criteo, one of the partners that we work with for behavioral retargeting is shown here.

If you want to opt out of receiving online behavioural advertising, this does not mean that you will no longer receive advertising when you are using our sites. It just means that the advertising you see will not be customised for you.

If you would like more information about OBA and how to opt out of it, please visit or (if accessing from the US.)

Please visit, and for the privacy policy of our online behavioural targeting technology providers.

Advertising on mobile devices may require the collection and sharing of the unique device ID with companies who purchase advertising space on the mobile application.

Other Advertising

Our sites contain links to other websites from which we may earn revenue. Our articles are never influenced by advertisers or affiliates, nor are they written for the purpose of promoting a product, except when clearly branded as a 'sponsored feature', 'advertisement feature' or 'sponsor's content'.

Legal information and how to contact us

Under the UK Data Protection Act 1998 we have to say who the 'data controller' is for and services provided through our websites. The data controller is the organization responsible for protecting information and, in our case, is Pearl Bldg.4th floor 4931 Pierre Gemayel Chorniche, Achrafieh Beirut - Lebanon

If you would like a copy of the personal information we hold about you, or have any questions about how we may use it, please contact the Data Protection Manager at the address shown above.

Changes to the privacy policy

Should we elect to change our privacy policy we will post the changes here. Where the changes are significant, we may also choose to email all our registered users with the new details. Where required by law, will we obtain your consent to make these changes.

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Maintained and developed by Arabs Today Group SAL
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمجموعة العرب اليوم الاعلامية 2023 ©

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